Things from today.

Sean Farnum
1 min readJan 21, 2021

Just a free association list of things that made me gasp, cry, or smile today. That’s all I’ve got, and the day isn’t over yet.

It’s over, a lot of the tension is gone for me.

Lady Gaga, oh my goodness, what you’ve done with that song.

The Pledge of Allegiance in ASL.

Madame Vice President. Madame. Vice. President.

J Lo x Woody Guthrie

A grown up talking about US, about all of us, not about “Me.” Leadership.

Amanda Gorman, upstaging just about everyone, electric, gorgeous in the best coat of the decade, and brilliant as the sun with her speaking and her words.

Leadership that seeks to unite not to divide.

Garth Brooks and Amazing Grace

Dave Grohl, honoring teachers

Broadway stars singing Seasons of Love

Lin Manuel Miranda reciting “The Cure at Troy,” Joe’s quoted poem.

Kerry Washington in that plaid suit. Oh my gosh.

Watching the inaugural celebration with a cat pressed against my leg, purring, and licking my foot.

It’s been a good day.

It’s not over.

You guys, we are better when we’re together.



Sean Farnum

I teach kids, snuggle with cats (mine) and dogs (when I can). I eat plants, draw pictures, ride bikes, and I like to read and write. @MagicPantsJones on social.